NCO Financial Systems

In case you are getting calls from the wonderful people at NCO Financial Systems. You should read some messages people have posted about this company. Apart from having to pay $1.5 million to settle Federal …

In case you are getting calls from the wonderful people at NCO Financial Systems. You should read some messages people have posted about this company. Apart from having to pay $1.5 million to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that it violated the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), there are also many many claims of state and federal violations of legislation like the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).

The company purchases old debt from people like your cellphone provider, hospitals and the government for pennies on the dollar and then tries to collect it. You may have even already paid the bill, like I had, but that is really a minor irrelevant point. The reality is, much if not most of this debt is so old noone has any obligation to repay any of it, least of all not to NCO. Many people have been harassed for debt belonging to neighbors, relatives, old residents of the same address, and co-workers. Don’t pay NCO a penny.

If you receive letters or phone calls from NCO or phone numbers like
800-709-8625 or 888-804-3488 or 877-803-8009 or 800-541-2742 or 888-688-7929 or 800-445-4918 or 866-569-8956 or 800-218-1175 or 800-448-9576 or 800-684-8429 or 866-429-3592 or 800-976-8307 or 877-871-6484 or 800-735-6588 or 800-220-1942 or 877-778-1799 or 800-227-4000 or 800-807-7809 or 866-626-9112 or 866-425-8131 or 800-967-4100 or 877-252-4534 or 877-202-9074 or 888-691-8955 or 888-259-3021 or 800-437-7403 or
800-383-4761 or 866-360-9791 you should read this page about the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. If NCO does anything wrong with you, you could be entitled to $1000 per infraction and they may have to pay your lawyer and possibly even your debt.

To halt their “contact”, send NCO a certified, return-receipt cease and desist letter (they throw away all faxes and non-certified letters). A sample letter might read (though, you must seek real legal advice, which I’m not):

This is to advise you that pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (“FDCPA”) 15 USC 1692c(c), you are hereby notified to immediately terminate any contact with me, or any members of my family or household, regarding any matter concerning the collection of a debt you allege is owed to your company or to your principal/customer/client. This notice shall include, but is not limited to written correspondence, as well as telephonic communication. This letter also verifies that I live at the address above, therefore, any further locator attempts would be a violation of the FDCPA.

Their address is:
NCO Financial Systems, Inc.
507 Prudential Rd
Horsham, PA 19044-2308

Is NCO calling you? Do you have a new NCO phone number or information? Please leave a comment and share it with the rest of us. Thanks!

NCO may or may not report your debt dispute with them on your credit report. It is important to make sure that if NCO puts anything on your credit report, all of the information is accurate, such as date of debt, last activity on account and the correct amount. That information is not always placed on all three major reports and your valid creditors usually only check one of these sources, so make sure you check all three (TransUnion, Equifax and Experian) for correct information.

Oh, and Miss Hill, thanks for calling ;)

Important! File a complaint with the Pennsylvania Attorney General – easy online form (NCO is a PA company and PA is investigating NCO)

P.S. The Pennsylvania Attorney General recently finished a big case against them, though the complaints continue.

More: 201-818-0316 202-607-2935 205-561-2455 205-561-2459 209-320-7604 215-441-3000 216-200-5188 240-210-7142 240-210-7150 240-241-7150 253-248-6405 267-352-3706 267-519-4001 290-210-7150 310-862-9083 313-444-2971 323-372-6326 408-538-5101 410-202-0066 410-202-0067 410-202-0069 416-932-4500 434-533-9062 443-205-1056 514-717-4395 517-780-0216 519-346-2500 559-272-6462 571-261-0072 603-589-7556 603-589-7558 609-373-1904 609-373-1906 609-373-1909 612-844-0919 614-717-2367 614-717-4395 614-827-7500 631-328-6485 631-440-2079 641-717-4395 650-230-1963 650-230-1968 703-656-9956 703-656-9959 704-522-4341 704-559-4979 707-307-4222 716-568-5810 757-209-2055 757-990-8982 763-200-6592 801-618-2058 804-234-9068 804-234-9071 804-952-9946 823 301-8125 832-301-8125 845-770-0069 888-579-0626 916-285-5535 918-878-2625 918-878-2627 919 913 0968 919-913-0968 951-289-4371 972-217-8339 1-888-609-2354 1-800-685-4343 1-888-785-1426 1-800-709-8625 1-888-804-3488 1-877-803-8009 1-800-541-2742 1-888-688-7929 1-800-445-4918 1-866-360-9791 1-877-202-9074 1-877-252-4534 1-800-967-4100 1-866-425-8131 1-866-569-8956 1-800-218-1175 1-800-448-9576 1-800-684-8429 1-866-429-3592 1-800-976-8307 1-877-871-6484 1-866-626-9112 1-800-807-7809 1-800-202-9074 1-877-778-1799 1-800-220-1942 1-800-383-4761 1-800-437-7403 1-888-259-3021 1-866-360-9791 1-888-691-8955 1-888-691-8955 1-800-735-6588 1-877-871-6484

2,279 thoughts on “NCO Financial Systems”

  1. The past 2 weeks, I received NCO Financial phone calls from:

    757-209-2054 – Virginia
    443-205-1045 – Cambridge, MD
    909-202-8200 – Fontana, CA

  2. Received first call this morning from someone calling himself “Peterson”, no first name or initials. He insisted he’d spoken with me before but I can state emphatically that I’ve never talked with this man nor do I know anything about the company; simply identified as NCO.

    Peterson insisted I verify personal information which I refused to do until I knew why it was needed and the purpose of the call. He insisted he couldn’t say anything until I provided my personal information. He insisted they already had it and was simply trying to verify my identity (he called me).

    When I continued to insist he provide a reason for the call he stated he was going to list me as uncooperative and rudely terminated the call.

    I have no outstanding debt, other than routine debt that is all current.

  3. For me personally, I am sure there is still outstanding debts in my name since I was involved with fraud a few years back and I’ve had some on going issues because I cannot prove it was fraud. But, these NCO people have started calling me about three times a day for the past three weeks. I have contacted some congresspeople in my area and I am going to start fighting this because I am starting to feel harassed by these people. They refuse to give me any information when I ask what debt I owe and every time the same guy calls me, he is calling me from a different number. I did not see these numbers amongst the listed numbers above, that is why I am posting them here. Good luck to anyone who gets calls from these people.

    The guy claims his name is Erin, but I highly doubt it. The numbers are 866 372 8497 and 223 051 6800 (which is an over seas number).

    • They outsource to the Philipines and also to Barbados. What kind of bill is it?
      I work there (hate it) and I can get you any direct line you want.

  4. I am an active employee of NCO. Not proud exactly of the work I do but like alot of people need a job. Just to inform you when doing 3rd party collections it is actually ok by law to not give information about who you work for. For example if I were working a project for AT&T and had to collect on debt I could simply say I am with AT&T. As alot of companies NCO is associated with and paid by it gives us the NCO emplyee the right to assume the first part collector. However that is not my domain, I work on the inbound call center side of things where I deal with a large untility company in the credit collection area. And i have to represent myself as an employee for the company I collect for not NCO. Trust me I hate the collection calls too, I get them myself, after all being a call center emplyoee I make all of $11.00 an hour. Not enough to support myself by myself. I just hope any info I wrote will help some of you better understand the collection practices of NCO. And for the record its not that NCO buys debt for pennies on the dollar, the charged off account for whatever company NCO collects for is turned over to NCO in hopes to collect something or settle the debt. After settling the debt any collected funds get divided according between NCO and the company who may have contracted NCO as a collection partner.

  5. NCO has been calling me several times a day for over year in regards to 2 different debts from 2 different companies. I have recieved statements from them about the debts, once every couple months, which are accurate. I usually refuse to answer, but when I do its just air, hang ups or automated messages that are nearly inaudible. I finally added them to a ‘block caller’ feature on my new cell phone and most of the calls have stopped because they are automatically ignored, they dont even show in my missed call log. Every now and then a new number calls and I add them to the list and never recieve another call from it again. This feature is amazing, if you have it, use it, it’s available on most samsungs. When I decide to pay this debt I will NOT pay NCO but the company itself. This harrassment is most definately illegal and I will not tolerate it. Calling me 10 times a day is not going to make me pay you.

  6. These people call my cell phone 6-7 times a day. EVERY DAY. Even Christmas Eve!!! Yes, I owe the bill, but I am unemployed and struggling to pay rent and utilities and manage to buy groceries too. They run down my cell phone battery calling so much. I am going to send a certified, return receipt, cease and desist letter to see if they will stop calling me. I never answer the calls, because I’m just put on hold listening to music. I don’t have the patience for this crap. From what everybody on here says, it wouldn’t do any good to talk to these idiots anyway.

  7. I just received my first call with NCO. The number they called from is 1-800-511-8670. They left a voice mail message with a reference # that sounded pre-recorded with an automated voice to call back as soon as possible regarding a collection debt. I should have nothing in collections! I called back, and it rang 10 times. Then it picked up and went straight to music. I was on hold listening to the music for 10-15 minutes and then it hung up.. I called a SECOND time, as I wanted to clear this matter up, and at least this time a woman answered right away. She didn’t want to bother with the reference number, didn’t want it but wanted the phone number that the message was left on. I gave it to her and she gave me my ex-husband’s name and said he owed a debt. I told her we had not been together for a long time and to contact him at his number, which I gave her.. though after reading all these posts maybe I shouldn’t have! I’m hoping that’s my last call from them EVER as I now know to watch out for them!

    • It is pre-recorded – they use a automated dialer and automated voice.
      You could be getting the call from anywhere, India, Barbados, the U.S. and the collectors will document what they want to, no matter what they say. They can even say they talked to you and you promised to pay in full. If you do talk to anyone, and they are rude, call and ask for a recording of the call, or get your lawyer to do so. That is my helpful hint for the day.

  8. My problem with the company is quite different, they have called my number for over 2 years now, asking for a husband and wife couple that I have no clue who they even are. I would be ok somewhat if it was actually some one that I knew, and they left me as a ref or emergency contact maby, but no I’m getting harrassed literally on average 15 to 20 times a day, about some people that I dont even know, and to top it off I have let them know probally 300 times that they dont live here, I dont know them and take me off the list, yet I still get calls… Im changeing my number… dun

  9. My mom just got a call from NCO (888-475-6741) looking for my ex-husband (divorced for 5 )years. We started receiving phone calls from family members. NCO had called my sister in another state, my grandmother, my uncle, several cousins and my parents. WTF!

  10. i paid nco in sept. of this year for a fashion bug acct. that i owed on. i am trying to get my house refinanced at a lower rate. i cannot get that loan without paying it again. i call nco 10 times a day trying to get them to fax over a paper stating that i paid them. i keep getting transferred to other depts. that cannot help me. they know nothing about me or what i need.they couldnt care less. i paid earl in legal. no one knows an earl. i call his no. he has a voice mail and never returns my call. his no. is 800-383-3875. he obviosly works there but no one knows him. how is what these people do legal? take money and dont clear it off your credit report.

    • I am going through the issue of not receiving statements from NCO. Im in my two months of making payments to them over the phone with my debit card for my defaulted student loan. When I made my first payment they said I’d get a package in the mail with a statement showing my next due date. I have been making $120 a month and this I was told will go on until March of 2010 then I’ll be out of default and they’ll lower my payments then. I am concerned because it’s impossible that there isn’t a statement of any kind. Not only that, I checked my bank account to see if I could figure out some more information on the company that’s been charging my card but still nothing. I not too long ago (today) wrote the U.S. Department of Education to let them know that I was paying NCO and wasn’t sure if the money was getting to them or not.

      I’m sorry for rambling… I’m just cofused. I don’t know how they can get away with this!

  11. 206-629-8633, 434-533-9062, 408-538-5101, 323-372-6326 , 253-248-6405 all show up as NCO on caller ID no one is ever there. I will not be giving them any information.

  12. I received a notice from NCO Financial regarding a Verizon account number. I have NEVER done business with Verizon as a wireless provider, so this appears to be a fishinf expedition. The number to call is 800-477-1827. What do I do now?

  13. I have been married for 3 years and been with my husband 6. I had started receiving this same message “call jeff price” bullcrap and finally called them back ONLY to discover they wanted my husband for a dept store card from 15 years ago. A LADIES dept store card that we do NOT even have in our state!!!! I asked them to give me HIS information b/c there si more that one person with his name and they could NOT!!!!!! I told them after about 10 days of this same mess they had the wrong # to STOP harrassing me and they have not!!! BUT THEY WILL!!!!!!!

    The # I keep getting calls from (until I found this website and address–thanks) is 1-888-480-1534

  14. We’ve been getting calls weekly, but it’s a recording and there is no mention of who of us they want to talk to, just a message to call Mr. Brooks. The number we are getting calls from is 877-273-3495

    • I have been getting same call weekly to Mr. Brooks. When I call the # I get a recording to put in a # if I have a letter from them, thier hours, and I am ask to leave a message. The thing is I have never recieved a letter from them and I sure the Hell not going to leave a message.

  15. I’ve found lots of websites with complaints about these A-holes. Also have noticed that they call from area codes all over the place, which probably means they all work from home, and apparently in every foreign country in the world. We have told several of them to remove our number from their list, but it doesn’t work. There are too many people with the list of numbers in too many parts of the world.They ask for my son, who’s been out of the house for 15 years. The only way they got my phone number could be an ancient PAID cell phone bill of his that had been in collection in the early 90’s. He’s in Germany in the Air Force and I’ve warned him that NCO can do damage to his credit, like maggots in an apple.
    I’ve been following this website for awhile and have yet to see one of the NCO employees defending their job.

  16. OK here’s a good one. My teenage daughter got a new phone # two years ago. Since then she has been receiving harassing calls (3 yesterday, Sunday, afternoon alone) asking for “Justin” who is apparently the person who had the number before her and didn’t pay his bills. I have repeatedly called NCO and explained that she has nothing to do with “Justin” and to please stop calling her number. They are so rude and just hang up. They offer no apologies of course. They say they record their calls which I hope is true since that would be great proof of their attitude.

  17. NCO Financial Systems Inc. has been sending out collection letters to addressees who have NOT AUTHORIZED debts or loans in their names. This credit fraud has to be stopped.

  18. 1-866-849-2438 is the number that called me from NCO. I have never received postal correspondence from them and i get calls continuously. I was skeptical so I went online to check them out. A lot of bad press is all I seem to find. They insisted that I give thm account information to them, but I gave them NO info. I’m glad now that I didn’t.

  19. Just completed and submitted a complaint form to the Attorney General of the state of Pa regarding NCO’s fradulent billing to my 16 year old. Also sent NCO written notice on their bill that I have done so. If they want to get into a spitting match I want them to know I spit back!!!

  20. Just received a notice from NCO that my 16 year old daughter owes them $46.44 with a date of service of 1-6-2009 at a local hospital. Amazing fact is she has only ever been hospitalized once in her life about 6 month ago and it wasn’t in the purported hospital but in it’s competitors facility. Imagine that? Can anyone say “FRAUD”

    • Call 770-300-2604 and give Laura Auten the account #, the hospital # and the reference # on the bill. She will straighten it out for you. She’s a good egg

  21. NCO has been calling me multiple times for weeks from 877-273-3495 telling me to call “Mr Brooks”. I’ve called them several times and always run into call tree/voice mail/on hold. As far as I know, I don’t owe anyone any money other than accounts I’m current on so I assumed they were calling me in error.

    While on hold, I googled “NCO Financial Systems” and found this blog. Thanks for the information!

  22. We got a call from these people, it was an automated message from 1-866-544-8416 and they asked to call them back at 1-800-913-6584. They claimed to be from Directv in regards to a late bill. Yes there is a late bill but it has been paid already. Either way the guy was EXTREMELY nasty and rude. He kept saying things like “We are going to shut off your service on the 15th”. Then he wanted me to give him my credit card number to pay the bill at that moment. I told him no and would contact Directv. Needless to say, there is no amount that needs to be paid and these guys clearly wanted my money for their own personal use. I’m going to file a complaint with Directv and with the Pennsylvania Attorney General.

  23. NCO keeps calling here looking for my son. He has not lived here since 1995 and has been inthe Air Force since 1998, living in on bases other countries. The number in caller I.D. is 202-607-2935.

  24. 323-372-6326

    This woman called me in lieu of my husband. He is on military orders currently and I have a POA. This woman was rude and would not even tell me anything but her name. I did inform her that he was on military orders and that I have a POA. All she said was “it’s not on file”. She didn’t even give me the opportunity or the information to send it in. I guess they don’t want their money.

  25. robocall said NCO; number to call back was 800 786-9330; answering system said NCL;
    no live person to answer; all voice mail boxes full; kept routing to other extensions and all came back to a full voice mail box.

  26. NCO is horrible. They lack the ability to listen, speak politely, or understand the concept that mistakes are made. We have resolved the mistake with the company that sent our account to collection. This company has called our account back, yet the phone calls from NCO continue. I would advise anyone NOT to give this company any information, and I mean nothing until you have researched your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the laws pertaining to your individual state.

  27. I also receve no statement from NCO. The telephone # that they call from is 800-759-2224. The address that I send payments is PO Box 15273, Wilmington, DE 19850. I received a call about 15 minutes ago and it was a automated message to call a # back. As luck would have it, I was getting ready to make an online payment to NCO..Then I some how came to this page. I know who the business is that I owe the money and I will check it out and start making my payments to them.

  28. Thanks for posting this – I just received a letter from them today for a debt that I paid years ago. Unfortunately, before I saw this website and did some other investigating, I left my cell phone number and gave them the last of my 4 digits of my SSN. :( Ugh… not looking forward to dodging their phone calls.

  29. I have been receiving at least 5 calls EVERYDAY from NCO workers. What angers me is they are NOT calling for ME! I have my name listed as S. Taylor so, every person whose name begins with “S” and their last name is Taylor, I get the call! Talk about ANGRY!!! I can’t even leave my home phone on ring on my off days because they are calling ALL DAY!! I need help with getting rid of these people. I do not want to have my entire name listed and now AT&T charges to have a non-listed number.

    • Phone: 215-441-3000
      Fax: 215-441-3923
      The above numbers are for the bastards at NCO Debt Collectorsโ€ข Chairman, President, and CEO: Michael J. Barrist
      โ€ข EVP and CFO: John R. Schwab
      โ€ข CIO: Stephen W. Elliott
      seems they don’t like to receive calls either, well screw them make their life hell, you’ll turn the tables on these lowlife parasites source Make this a special Holiday for these jerks. I sent them all black page faxes all day long.

  30. I don’t know how “NCO” got my cellphone number and why they were asking for my husband… there is not reason for it. Number turned up on caller ID as 408-535-5101. I’ve never heard of “NCO” before and thought it sounded fishy. When I pressed the lady for information about where they are located she said the Carribbean… doesn’t sound ligit. I’m going to get extrememly disgusted if they continue to call.

  31. My husband has a debt with NCO. We set up a monthly payment plan of $25 to help reduce our debt. After checking my bank account information today, I found that they took $50. After trying to contact someone, they passed me around a few times and then conveniently sent me to someone who is “on the phone” and to leave a voicemail. Haven’t heard back yet!

  32. For over a month now I have been getting at least 1, sometimes 2 calls a day at my home starting at 8 in the morning until 8 at night from NCO Financial requesting to speak to Brett Conditt, whom I don’t know. After they recite the phone number they are calling, half of the time it does not match mine and they state that “it must be a computer glitch” and that they’ll make note of it to remove my phone number. I’ve spoken to a manager no no avail. Ignoring the calls doesn’t help, either. I find it ironic that they always state at the end of the call “this call is being recorded for quality purposes”…whatever! What can I do to get this company to leave me alone! I shouldn’t have to turn off my ringer to keep them from waking up my children, should I! What a violation of privacy!

    • A good option is to get a service with your telephone company that blocks calls. It might cost a couple of dollars per month, but I’ve put in the 6 NCO numbers that was calling me.

      It’s been peacefull around here since I done that.

  33. I have received 8 calls from them requesting money for a care received in 2006. My problem they will not send me a statement each month so I’m not sure what has been payed and to who. My husband wa sick in 2006 and we had hundreds of thouands dollars in mdical bills. I have tried reaching by mail nd phone with no success. I feel if they aren’t willing to send me a statement how do I know where the mony is going and should not pay them. Please give me some advice.

  34. 1-800-220-2274 & 1-800-709-8625 & 1-800-448-9570
    I was afraid of somebody messing up my credit for something that I didn’t owe and tried to call them to check on it and they couldn’t find me in their system and then I was transferred about 3 times. I then hung up. I think if they’re really tryin to collect a debt, they’d be able to find me in their system.

  35. i started getting phone calls from them last week….i called them back since i should not have anything in collections….they say something about milton wright and nco…..i spoke to a lady on the phone i verified my name and address and phone number then she asks me for my last 4 of my social security number…now i know there is a credit card fraud going around for just the last 4 ss#…so i told the lady i am not giving her that since i have never heard of her company before…i asked her what this so called bill was in regards to?…she kept asking for my soc…and then said she would put me down as a non-compliant debtor?? she would not give me ANY Information at all…and they call my house everyday at least 2 times… if you answer its automated..and they just tell you to call back…. am i wrong in thinking that this falls under harassing phone calls and that they are only allowed to call once a day???

    I began getting calls on my cell phone from a place called SAC (Student Assistance Corporation) 2 years ago for someone who is not me or anyone in my household. I have had this cell # for 5 years. Obviously this # belonged to this other person before me. I emailed this Corp. several times and told them to remove my number from their list. The calls stopped until November 15, 2009, then the calls began from NCO for this same unknown person concerning student loan debt. The number I have been called from several times a day is 614-717-4395, with a message to call this number: 800-858-3164. Glad to know that this site is available for advice. I will be contacting the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office ASAP!!

  37. keep getting calls from this company every day even on sunday from 8 in the morning until 9 at night, even sometimes later at night. i refuse to answer the phone to them this is the number they are calling me from 443-205-1045

  38. NCO contacted me at work – I work abroad and they found out my place of employment most possibly from a widely available sources such as Facebook.
    They claim that I owe something under a student loan which I don’t!
    As I moved outside US, it is hard for me to find all the evidence that I paid and now they threaten me with the garnischment procedure.
    Can it be imposed outside US?

  39. Number on the BOGUS notice we received from NCO Financial Systems for some bogus taxes that we didn’t even owe the State of Indiana is: 800-824-9392.

    Good luck…

  40. I am writting for a man that is ill and in the hospital and they have managed to mess up his credit so that we cannot either refinance his home or sell due to a $77.00 bill that we know nothing about. This company is a real charmer, if it’s like anything else this bill is from his wife that passed away almost 7 yrs. ago and they are still harrassing him by putting incorrect information on his credit report. I have read some real doozies about this collection agency, they have a horrible reputation, I called on my ex-husband’s behalf to the company office located in Mishiwaka, IN to find out what this was all about, and they want me to leave a Social Secuity Number on a voicemail, if I’m correct, not even the government can ask you for that due to the new identification fraud act that was put into law not to long ago, not even can the Veteren’s Administration Dept ask you for a full SS#, if these people don’t clean up their act, we will be another case against them online and in newspapers and all over the internet, they need to clean up their practices which are as illegal as all HELL !!!! NCO get your act together as a collection agency and maybe people won’t be winning lawsuit after lawsuit against your so called company!!!!! Sincerely, a terminally ill man’s ex-wife who is the one who has power of attorney over his estate. I will try again to resolve this with this company but if no avail, then off to court we go for an amount of $77.00, now ain’t that crazy.

  41. Just got called about a family member. I should not have to deal with collectors or provide them any information if I am not in debt to them.

    Here’s the number I received the call from…


  42. I just received a call from NCO at 8:50AM this morning. I checked my credit report and I have no collections listed. Here is the number I received the phone call from: 1-866-637-0270. They told me to call back at the same number. I really have no idea what this could be for because I have nothing in collections. I hope it stops…..


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