NCO Financial Systems

In case you are getting calls from the wonderful people at NCO Financial Systems. You should read some messages people have posted about this company. Apart from having to pay $1.5 million to settle Federal …

In case you are getting calls from the wonderful people at NCO Financial Systems. You should read some messages people have posted about this company. Apart from having to pay $1.5 million to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that it violated the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), there are also many many claims of state and federal violations of legislation like the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).

The company purchases old debt from people like your cellphone provider, hospitals and the government for pennies on the dollar and then tries to collect it. You may have even already paid the bill, like I had, but that is really a minor irrelevant point. The reality is, much if not most of this debt is so old noone has any obligation to repay any of it, least of all not to NCO. Many people have been harassed for debt belonging to neighbors, relatives, old residents of the same address, and co-workers. Don’t pay NCO a penny.

If you receive letters or phone calls from NCO or phone numbers like
800-709-8625 or 888-804-3488 or 877-803-8009 or 800-541-2742 or 888-688-7929 or 800-445-4918 or 866-569-8956 or 800-218-1175 or 800-448-9576 or 800-684-8429 or 866-429-3592 or 800-976-8307 or 877-871-6484 or 800-735-6588 or 800-220-1942 or 877-778-1799 or 800-227-4000 or 800-807-7809 or 866-626-9112 or 866-425-8131 or 800-967-4100 or 877-252-4534 or 877-202-9074 or 888-691-8955 or 888-259-3021 or 800-437-7403 or
800-383-4761 or 866-360-9791 you should read this page about the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. If NCO does anything wrong with you, you could be entitled to $1000 per infraction and they may have to pay your lawyer and possibly even your debt.

To halt their “contact”, send NCO a certified, return-receipt cease and desist letter (they throw away all faxes and non-certified letters). A sample letter might read (though, you must seek real legal advice, which I’m not):

This is to advise you that pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (“FDCPA”) 15 USC 1692c(c), you are hereby notified to immediately terminate any contact with me, or any members of my family or household, regarding any matter concerning the collection of a debt you allege is owed to your company or to your principal/customer/client. This notice shall include, but is not limited to written correspondence, as well as telephonic communication. This letter also verifies that I live at the address above, therefore, any further locator attempts would be a violation of the FDCPA.

Their address is:
NCO Financial Systems, Inc.
507 Prudential Rd
Horsham, PA 19044-2308

Is NCO calling you? Do you have a new NCO phone number or information? Please leave a comment and share it with the rest of us. Thanks!

NCO may or may not report your debt dispute with them on your credit report. It is important to make sure that if NCO puts anything on your credit report, all of the information is accurate, such as date of debt, last activity on account and the correct amount. That information is not always placed on all three major reports and your valid creditors usually only check one of these sources, so make sure you check all three (TransUnion, Equifax and Experian) for correct information.

Oh, and Miss Hill, thanks for calling ;)

Important! File a complaint with the Pennsylvania Attorney General – easy online form (NCO is a PA company and PA is investigating NCO)

P.S. The Pennsylvania Attorney General recently finished a big case against them, though the complaints continue.

More: 201-818-0316 202-607-2935 205-561-2455 205-561-2459 209-320-7604 215-441-3000 216-200-5188 240-210-7142 240-210-7150 240-241-7150 253-248-6405 267-352-3706 267-519-4001 290-210-7150 310-862-9083 313-444-2971 323-372-6326 408-538-5101 410-202-0066 410-202-0067 410-202-0069 416-932-4500 434-533-9062 443-205-1056 514-717-4395 517-780-0216 519-346-2500 559-272-6462 571-261-0072 603-589-7556 603-589-7558 609-373-1904 609-373-1906 609-373-1909 612-844-0919 614-717-2367 614-717-4395 614-827-7500 631-328-6485 631-440-2079 641-717-4395 650-230-1963 650-230-1968 703-656-9956 703-656-9959 704-522-4341 704-559-4979 707-307-4222 716-568-5810 757-209-2055 757-990-8982 763-200-6592 801-618-2058 804-234-9068 804-234-9071 804-952-9946 823 301-8125 832-301-8125 845-770-0069 888-579-0626 916-285-5535 918-878-2625 918-878-2627 919 913 0968 919-913-0968 951-289-4371 972-217-8339 1-888-609-2354 1-800-685-4343 1-888-785-1426 1-800-709-8625 1-888-804-3488 1-877-803-8009 1-800-541-2742 1-888-688-7929 1-800-445-4918 1-866-360-9791 1-877-202-9074 1-877-252-4534 1-800-967-4100 1-866-425-8131 1-866-569-8956 1-800-218-1175 1-800-448-9576 1-800-684-8429 1-866-429-3592 1-800-976-8307 1-877-871-6484 1-866-626-9112 1-800-807-7809 1-800-202-9074 1-877-778-1799 1-800-220-1942 1-800-383-4761 1-800-437-7403 1-888-259-3021 1-866-360-9791 1-888-691-8955 1-888-691-8955 1-800-735-6588 1-877-871-6484

2,279 thoughts on “NCO Financial Systems”

  1. I have started receiving calls from NCO, they are always recordings telling me I have to call them immediately. When i called them they are telling that i have to pay due amount for hospital. They are calling after one year and 9 months of my baby born and tell that amout is due. I have paid all the amount immdetiately to Sinai hospital whenever they are sending the bills me. I have not received any other bills from after 6 months of delivery. I have all proofs of payments which i have paid and sent the copies to NCO as well, they have told that few payment records were not exits their systems. I am worrying it might hit to my credit history.

  2. Yes, I admit I owe the debt but I don’t need to be called three times a day to be reminded. Just in case be aware of 800-824-9392. This is the number I see most of the time.

  3. Have gotten numerous calls looking for lyla sanchez,scott & kerri allen, not me, here are the #s I have gotten called from,800-350-2457,408-538-5101,253-248-6405,323-372-6326 and 800-434-8681

  4. 888-899-1592

    Calls 3 times a day with a automated service. They are annoying and rude. I am gald that there is a website for this information.

  5. Recieved a call from “NCO” said my capital one card is in collections. asked for my accnt number. i didnt give it to them. called capital one and they said NCO is the collector but that my accound is clean and they should not have anything. SCAM!! They are phishing for info.

    numbers that are both tied to NCO

  6. Got the first call from this number (that I know of) today. Because I don’t respond to 800-numbers, 000 numbers or other numbers I do not recognize, I did not answer. They left a message on the answering machine “this is an effort to collect on a debt … etc.” I don’t owe them money and have never heard of them. I should go back and listen to the number they want me to call and post it so that everyone can call it 10 times a day to tie up their lines?

  7. I had a message on my phone today from NCO. The number is 1-866-695-3013. I am pretty certain that I do not have any outstanding bills and I do not intend to talk to them.


  9. Just to let you know if you have made an agreement and lived up to your side by making the payments and they continue to call saying you owe more, Complain to the Attorney General’s office in Pennsylania and they will take action.
    I paid two accounts off as promised on my end at 60 cents on the dollar and they had been telling me that I still owed on one account. Not so. I complained to the AG’s office and I have recieved a letter from the AG’s office with BOTH accounts showing paid as agreed and nothing owed. Thye DID NOT report it to any credit agency and I will give it a couple of months and recheck my credit report. AG’s office did write if they did report it, to let them know as it violates their(NCO’s) statement and they will demand they retract it off my credit record!
    It does pay to take action of any kind so don’t let these bastards at NCO harrass you in any way!!

  10. Hmmm This makes me think about calling Bell Canada and finding out if that is the collection agency they’re using.. I know exactly what debt they’re trying to get from me.. $100 ETF for cancelling my internet.. That might be something for me to do..

  11. They called my cell phone which is not listed ..looking for my brother who does not live with me nor near me,And the funny thing is his #is listed. But they called from this number here 323-372-6326 And gave me this # to give to my brother to call back 1866-312-0375

  12. These people called me and want me to give them money… I also got a letter… I gave them the acct # on the letter and when that pulled up nothing, they asked for my SS# When I refused to give it they hung up on me.. I keep calling back and they keep hanging up ??? After reading all the info I can find online, I have come to the conclusion that if this is even a real company they are CROOKS!!!
    People at the same phone number ans the phone using up to 3 different company names…. ??? I don’t think I have any debts, but if I do somebody else will have to contact me because I would not give these clowns a single cent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. So, NCO is calling me from 800-475-6741 for a person I don’t even know. They were very pleasant when I asked them why they were calling me and stated they would take me off their list but still. Never heard of the person and how in the world did they get me connected with him?

  14. My husband and i have recieved calls from NCO, its for my husbands old chevron card.. we went through a company in 2007 that basically sent out letters to all debts and if they couldnt provide the original contract, they would have to take it off…well as a result this was taken off. Now NCO is claiming it is not on my credit report, but since it was never paid that i owe it. They call every morning at 8am, 12pm, and 3pm.
    Each time i tell them that its not on my husbands credit report, stop calling me. They just tell me that they wont stop trying to collect and they will continue to call….They were very rude!
    they have called from 3 different numbers:

  15. I am sick of these people calling me all day long with as many as 10-15 calls in ONE day! I did answer a few times only to be told to call back a #, hey they called me why can’t someone talk to you then when they call you? I was asked to verify my SS# but told them that they should have that info if they were legally trying to collect a debt. I get hung up on but then the calls continue to come in. I have also been disconnected by one of their numbers calling while having a conversation with a family member. I am disabled and need my phone for emergencys, if they cut me off my phone when making an important call, I WILL SUE!

  16. Most Recent Numbers from NCO:

    i have these numbers saved on my cell as “Scam Debt Collector”. same stories as above..they’ve been stalking me for over 4 months. i never answered their calls but finally became fed up with my phone always going off, sometimes 6 times a day! i paid my one and only debt about 3 wks ago (to the actual company i owed, not NCO) and still recieve calls from NCO. the nightmare never ends, even after you pay.

  17. OMG.. can’t believe there are a lot of people here who are uneducated about CC. If you don’t want to be called by NCO or whoever collection company, then LEARN to pay your debt. Find a job and face your responsibility.

    • Apparently you have an endless supply of money and have never fallen on hard times. How would you like to owe someone and have them tack on an additional thousand dollars on top of what you can’t already pay? I hope you stay employed and never have to face a down day in your life. But if you do I hope you remember this post.

    • Wow, are you really so callous that you honestly believe that people CHOOSE to be unable to pay their debts? Perhaps there are people who are uneducated about CC, however it seems to me you are uneducated in the art of compassion or just simply ignorant to life’s real woes. As Max so kindly stated, you must have never fallen on hard times a day in your life…but, karma is funny in that way.

  18. i have a student loan that went into default. nco started garnishing my paycheck three years ago and i owe them more today than when they initially got the account. if there is anyone who has advice for me on this please email me with subject nco bs.

    • I think we are almost in the same boat. I started paying NCO two months ago and have yet to receive a statement. Apparently, I am to pay $120 for six months to establish credibility and then the real payments will start after. I’ve never heard of such a greedy and scamming company. I just left a message on some number that I got from the Department of Education website. I left a message saying I was giving them another week to send me a statement before I contact an attorney. I also went on that Pennyslavania attorney general website and filed a complaint. I think you should go on the U.S. Department website and fill out the paperwork there that tells you to contest the garnishment. You can send them copies of all the bills you pay monthly in order to get a lower payment schedule a month- even if they garnish your wages still, it will be much lower. Good luck.

  19. New address for NCO:
    PO Box 3434 Station
    Montreal Quebec
    H3L 3V5

    New Phone Number for NCO:
    1 866 541 4794
    1 866 541 4729

  20. These people are bastards. Call me 6 times a day. I’ve reported them to the better business bureau for what good that will do. The next step is a Cease and Desist letter.

    Phone numbers they have called me from:

    I now call them and harass them for jollies. My opinion, if you work at a place like that, you deserve it.

  21. NCO calls my cell phone, leaves me messages for someone I do not know. I tell them to put my cell phone on their do not call list. The calls stop for 3 months, then they start again. I answer it tell them we have already been around about this, they call me again. I missed the call, call them right back and the same woman keeps telling me she did not call my number, it is on their do not call list. then why do I keep getting calls for someone that is not me?

  22. Have been receiving phone calls (559-272-6462) from nco for about a month,sometimes twice a day. If I don’t recognize the name or numder I don’t answer. Got curious and looked up this outfit on the net and started reading some of the remarks on this page. Glad I haven’t picked up the phone.

  23. I received a call from NCO giving a reference number saying it was a collection agency. However, they used a number I have with Skype and which has never been used by me in any correspondence, applications, etc. In fact, I don’t even know the number myself without looking it up. I also have my credit monitored with three agencies and have outstanding credit. I believe this is a total scam. The number they called from was 18662569096. When I called it back, they said the office was open from 8 AM to 9PM, but they were closed on this Wednesday at 3:45 PM. Interesting to read all the comments.


  25. Hello I have had numerous run ins with NCO financial. Two of the bills had been paid off and one, the company didn’t even know it was with them. They are rude and inconciderate of an individuals circumstances I was diagnosed with cancer, went through treatment, and lwft an abusive relationship al in the time of the claimed neglected transactions. When i spoke with the lady at NCO to attempt to resolve the issue, she said she didn’t care what my circumstances were and that she had her own issues in life but she still managed to pay her bills. I simply replied if i had know about the bill i would have been glad to have paid it. This however, was the first i was hearing of it. I hope these people are dealt with in an appropriate mannor. The moment i recieved notice of the debt i resolved the issue. Never the less, this lady was way out line and spoke with an unnessisary demeaning tone and innapropriate demeanor.

  26. 9-9-09
    NCO kept calling my house looking to talk with my brother who they say owes on a debt.

    Their new number that showed on my caller ID was: 800-485-2202

    I asked for their mailing address and their manager gave me the following:
    NCO Financial Systems
    PO Box. 15740
    Wilmington, DE. 19850

    My brother sent them a certified, return reciept letters to the address in Pennsylvania and the one in Delaware just in case their manager gave a fake address.

  27. Hey folks just some suggestions, never pay with your Credit Card, Debit Card or your Checking Account the only thing I would pay them with is a Money Order send it priority mail make them sign for it and do not put your real address on it (put a PO-BOX for your address on the money order or something fictitious (make it as much of a Pain in the ASS for them as they are to you, and when and if you do call them DO NOT use your Land Line, your Cell Phone or a friends or relatives phone what you can do for your own mental stability and to drive them as crazy as they have or do drive you USE A PRE PAY CELL PHONE they cant get any info from a pre pay then what you do is put the smallest amount of minutes on this phone (make sure you use these minutes up after you are done talking to them) play call and breath in there ear if you like so you use them up, so that when you use all of these minutes up by the date that the phone requests it drops that phone number and if and when you ever need to call them again, when you add minutes to this phone you will have to set it up again which means you are given a whole new phone number, you can bye these phones real cheap at a dollar store (sounds like a little bit of trouble but it isn’t really) and (you will get an abundant amount of satisfaction knowing they cant harass you and have a little fun at the same time) matter of fact I think I would make it a point to make sure I give them my PRE PAY CELL NUMBER HEHEHE don’t tell them it is a pre pay phone and when they ask where they can reach you give this number to them(TO BAD YOU CANT BE A FLY ON THE WALL FOR THAT ONE.) Hope some of this helped, redirect the energy you would use getting upset with them to making them as miserable as they try making you.
    Anonymous in Illinois

  28. What it you do owe the debt but have been trying to pay the company in which you owe the debt to but yet they still call because they want you to pay the minimum amount but you don’t have a job any more and now they are calling your cell phone and house leaving messages the number the used was 800-448-9570 in washington the state this was my 1st call and 1 min. later they call my house and until now I didn’t know who NCO was I was thinking it was some school calling so I guess to avoid them calling my house I should indeed pick up my cell phone and talk to them and see what can be resolved.

  29. Well, we knew it wouldn’t last as we’ve been told here on this site.
    The calls have continued to asked me when I an going to pay on one of the two accounts they have. I was contacted to call an 877 number and when I did call it, it was diconnected and there was a message that there was info for it. So I called the 800 number it came to my cell phone and told some woman that answered the phone I wanted to talk to someone about the code number I had gotten in the 877 call. I was transferred to a Ms. Wilkerson and had leave a message. I laid it down to this whoever she is and told her I was going to again file a complaint with the Pa. Attorney General’s Office, which I did Friday evening when I got home!
    IF anyone is receiving calls after you have paid off anything through them as per agreements with any of them, I’m going to file a class action suit against NCO Financial Systems and NCO Group and if you wish to be included in this suit, send me an e-mail and I will contact you via e-mail withmy info, so you will know I am for real. Send it to

  30. NCO has been calling me from 866-251-8666. I called them back today and before giving my information, I asked if I had there permission to record our conversation. They hung up on me. I guess that’s the end of that. If they call again I will ask permission to record our conversation. I’m sure they’ll decline to speak with me at that point. Also, I have no oustanding debt and have recently gotten this number.

  31. NCO calls my house everyday for the last 2 weeks regarding an old debt I owe. I have no old debts. They only leave a message to call this #800-786-9330. They don’t leave a name or anything on who they want to speak to. They don’t even say who to ask for if I called them. They are not going to get anything from me. They’re out.
    They need to be thrown under the bus.

  32. I have started receiving calls from NCO, they are always recordings telling me I have to call them immediately. I am receiving up to 20 or 30 calls a day, at all hours of the day and night. I had a similar experience with Midland Credit Services (another junk debt collector) who did file a law suit. I disputed it in court and won. These companies have to have a complete document trail, dates of last payment, a copy of the contract, and any and all changes of ownership. Each state has different statues, so check what it is in your state. Whatever you do, send them a certified letter, return receipt, disputing the claim. Keep files, and each time they re-send you a “bill” send another letter, with a copy of the previous letters attached. If they do actually file, dispute it. Don’t ignore it. If you don’t fight it, you will loose by default. These companies make billions off of people who do not realize they have rights, enough that even the fines levied against them with the FTC are a right off. They bank on you being too scared or too intimidated to take action to defend yourself.

  33. I made a payment for about $500 to get to a settlement with these people for my AMEX account!!! Now, AMEX is sending me emails asking me for a payment $600 they NEVER receive. I have the agreement, and the conf in a check. The problem is a moved to KY from AZ and I cant find these papers. What are the chance I have to get AMEX to stop charging me for something I already paid!!! Oh my God! I hope is not too late.

  34. I have been getting a call from them 1-2 times a day for MONTHS now! I have called them back to inform them not to contact me because im onto their bull shit and i also sent an e-mail telling them they better stop calling me or i will take action.


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