NCO Financial Systems

In case you are getting calls from the wonderful people at NCO Financial Systems. You should read some messages people have posted about this company. Apart from having to pay $1.5 million to settle Federal …

In case you are getting calls from the wonderful people at NCO Financial Systems. You should read some messages people have posted about this company. Apart from having to pay $1.5 million to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that it violated the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), there are also many many claims of state and federal violations of legislation like the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).

The company purchases old debt from people like your cellphone provider, hospitals and the government for pennies on the dollar and then tries to collect it. You may have even already paid the bill, like I had, but that is really a minor irrelevant point. The reality is, much if not most of this debt is so old noone has any obligation to repay any of it, least of all not to NCO. Many people have been harassed for debt belonging to neighbors, relatives, old residents of the same address, and co-workers. Don’t pay NCO a penny.

If you receive letters or phone calls from NCO or phone numbers like
800-709-8625 or 888-804-3488 or 877-803-8009 or 800-541-2742 or 888-688-7929 or 800-445-4918 or 866-569-8956 or 800-218-1175 or 800-448-9576 or 800-684-8429 or 866-429-3592 or 800-976-8307 or 877-871-6484 or 800-735-6588 or 800-220-1942 or 877-778-1799 or 800-227-4000 or 800-807-7809 or 866-626-9112 or 866-425-8131 or 800-967-4100 or 877-252-4534 or 877-202-9074 or 888-691-8955 or 888-259-3021 or 800-437-7403 or
800-383-4761 or 866-360-9791 you should read this page about the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. If NCO does anything wrong with you, you could be entitled to $1000 per infraction and they may have to pay your lawyer and possibly even your debt.

To halt their “contact”, send NCO a certified, return-receipt cease and desist letter (they throw away all faxes and non-certified letters). A sample letter might read (though, you must seek real legal advice, which I’m not):

This is to advise you that pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (“FDCPA”) 15 USC 1692c(c), you are hereby notified to immediately terminate any contact with me, or any members of my family or household, regarding any matter concerning the collection of a debt you allege is owed to your company or to your principal/customer/client. This notice shall include, but is not limited to written correspondence, as well as telephonic communication. This letter also verifies that I live at the address above, therefore, any further locator attempts would be a violation of the FDCPA.

Their address is:
NCO Financial Systems, Inc.
507 Prudential Rd
Horsham, PA 19044-2308

Is NCO calling you? Do you have a new NCO phone number or information? Please leave a comment and share it with the rest of us. Thanks!

NCO may or may not report your debt dispute with them on your credit report. It is important to make sure that if NCO puts anything on your credit report, all of the information is accurate, such as date of debt, last activity on account and the correct amount. That information is not always placed on all three major reports and your valid creditors usually only check one of these sources, so make sure you check all three (TransUnion, Equifax and Experian) for correct information.

Oh, and Miss Hill, thanks for calling ;)

Important! File a complaint with the Pennsylvania Attorney General – easy online form (NCO is a PA company and PA is investigating NCO)

P.S. The Pennsylvania Attorney General recently finished a big case against them, though the complaints continue.

More: 201-818-0316 202-607-2935 205-561-2455 205-561-2459 209-320-7604 215-441-3000 216-200-5188 240-210-7142 240-210-7150 240-241-7150 253-248-6405 267-352-3706 267-519-4001 290-210-7150 310-862-9083 313-444-2971 323-372-6326 408-538-5101 410-202-0066 410-202-0067 410-202-0069 416-932-4500 434-533-9062 443-205-1056 514-717-4395 517-780-0216 519-346-2500 559-272-6462 571-261-0072 603-589-7556 603-589-7558 609-373-1904 609-373-1906 609-373-1909 612-844-0919 614-717-2367 614-717-4395 614-827-7500 631-328-6485 631-440-2079 641-717-4395 650-230-1963 650-230-1968 703-656-9956 703-656-9959 704-522-4341 704-559-4979 707-307-4222 716-568-5810 757-209-2055 757-990-8982 763-200-6592 801-618-2058 804-234-9068 804-234-9071 804-952-9946 823 301-8125 832-301-8125 845-770-0069 888-579-0626 916-285-5535 918-878-2625 918-878-2627 919 913 0968 919-913-0968 951-289-4371 972-217-8339 1-888-609-2354 1-800-685-4343 1-888-785-1426 1-800-709-8625 1-888-804-3488 1-877-803-8009 1-800-541-2742 1-888-688-7929 1-800-445-4918 1-866-360-9791 1-877-202-9074 1-877-252-4534 1-800-967-4100 1-866-425-8131 1-866-569-8956 1-800-218-1175 1-800-448-9576 1-800-684-8429 1-866-429-3592 1-800-976-8307 1-877-871-6484 1-866-626-9112 1-800-807-7809 1-800-202-9074 1-877-778-1799 1-800-220-1942 1-800-383-4761 1-800-437-7403 1-888-259-3021 1-866-360-9791 1-888-691-8955 1-888-691-8955 1-800-735-6588 1-877-871-6484

2,279 thoughts on “NCO Financial Systems”

  1. I just wanted to let you know that the manager that I have talked to about my account with his two representative were trying to me to make big payments, but I CAN’T AFFORD BIG PAYMENTS ONLY LIKE $150.00 AND I HAVE started with them this week making payments because I don’t know if the manager knows anything on Janice Pearson is doing without him knowing on what she is doing. He has stopped the calls and hopefully he’ll stop her sending me letters without him knoing since I am working with him only.The other representative had told me that I had owed $3000.oo but that digit was wrong, wrong, and wrong. so she messed me up and he fixed it.

  2. I just got a phone in bout 3 weeks ago. no sooner I got this number NCO started calling. I bet they call 3 times a day. they ask for this Carli. I told them this is not a Carli Number . I told them They have the wrong number not to call anymore. But yet they still call. So I blew up. This get old. How can one not get it in their head. the lady say this is being recorded,So I too say this is being recorder.The lady said I didnt give you permission to record Will Heck I too didnt give her permission to. A number i got is 1-800-621-6986 You have to wait to end it say do you want talk with a person then you push a number. I am so sick of these people calling the wrong number. I guess they see a last name and just throw a first name in hoping to get someone not know what they doing. But it dont work with me.

  3. I’m a collector with NCO. I’m not going to say that some of you may not have had these horrible experiences with NCO, it’s a large company with offices around the world, and as with any company that size, you will have some employees who don’t follow policies and some debtors who have bad experiences. I work in the Mobile, AL office. We all go through an extensive training program, we are tested twice a year to ensure we understand the FDCPA, supervisors monitor calls consistently to ensure that we follow all appropriate laws, and anyone who asks for a supervisor is transferred to one. We always identify ourselves. Furthermore, not one of the debts I handle is purchased, they are placed by the creditor for collections for a set period of time and recalled at the end of that period. Money can still be paid to the creditor, we are just asked to collect the balance. We do not threaten to call the police or any other outrageous behavior like that, and any employee who did such as that would be terminated. We don’t throw away letters, we always honor cease calls requests over the phone, not just with certified letters. Most of the outrageous and agressive behavior that takes place on collection calls is directed at the collector, not from them. So, although there may be some bad experiences, NCO is a good company that strives to help recover delinquent bills. In fact, most of the people who become the most angry with me personally are upset because I uphold the law. I will not tell you why I’m calling unless it’s your name on the bill, because doing so is a violation of the law. I will not disclose debt information to spouses in those states that prohibit me from doing so. Consequently, upholdiong the privacy of individuals is exactly why our voicemail messages don’t disclose why we’re calling. Finally, in response to the poster who asked about why so many phone numbers, it’s strictly a matter of practicality. Each toll free number goes directly to the department who handles that account.

    A final thought to those who think we’re so corrupt. My department collects debts owed to seven different states. Apparently these state governments believe in the results we’re acheiving for them and don’t receive complaints alleging any of this illegal behavior.

    • I have yet to talk with a corrupt or abusive businessperson who admits to being corrupt or abusive. But thanks so much for sharing, “Jeremy”

  4. I just received a call from NCO. I know its from a bill i refuse to pay. I will not return their call. I know how these collectors work, they are abusive, and they can’t do a damn thing except try to scare you. Don’t fall for anything they say, there is nothing they can do but continue to call and send threatnening letters. They work for the person you owe the debt and they get a commission if you agree on a payment plan to pay off the debt. If you dispute something, then NEVER answer their calls.

  5. i had a medical bill i was paying $25 a month on. and i was never told that it eneded after a year so the hospital sent it to NCO and thats when i began to recieve 5 calls a day. i told then i could only pay the $25 that i had been payin the last year and they said i had to resolve it in 4 months or it would go on my credit so i set up 4 payments of $52 per months and each month i have been havin problems with them i called over 20 numbers i found online untill i got directed to the right department. so if u have a refferance number mkae sure u keep it handy!!

  6. NCO has been calling here all hours of the day leaving a message to respond, but when I try, the number is no longer in existance. I have no idea who the message is for because I have NO outstanding debts. It is possible that my X-daughter-in-law or other family members do, but I have no way of finding this out. In the meantime I don’t know how to stop these calls. The number they left me is:866-849-2438.

  7. NCO Financial Systems is the WORST company I have EVER had to deal with. I have called SIX times in the past 30 minutes and it either rings several times and goes dead, or I get no dial tone and one of the times someone answered and asked me to hold but didn’t even place me on hold, they set the phone down while having another conversation! I cannot seem to get through to someone there and they are trying to charge me for a bill that was never in my name for an address I lived at 3 years ago for one month – and like I said the bill was NEVER even in my name yet some how I can’t talk to someone and I have no way to reach them to tell them I will NOT pay something that is NOT my debt. NCO Financial Systems is AWFUL.

  8. Here’s another number to add. 215-441-3000.

    The fun has begun. I paid the amount agreed to of $.60 on the dollar for $1144.77 on both Capital One CC accounts. The amount was paid in two installments as agreed but they got pissed because I wouldn’t let them do it electronically. I sent them via Fed Ex two checks, 15 days apart and lived up to my part of the agreement to pay that amount. I also sent them a letter stating they would not be paid any further money as in my opinion the matter is now closed.
    Yesterday evening, I recieved a call from some gal I couldn’t understand, Donna or Dana I think she said her name was and she wanted to know about the one of the two accounts that was showing to remain unpaid. Needless to say, I went through the roof. I hung up on her and immediately wrote a formal complaint online to the Pennsylvania Attorney Genreal’s Office.
    I will keep track of the calls I’m sure I and my wife will get and contact my attorney to file a lawsuit against NCO and I will NOT agree to anything from them. I want their ass now and my attorney loves sueing thse blood suckers in the Credit Collecting businesses!!

    I’ll keep ya’ll up to date on this!

  9. I have been getting many calls from NCO they never leave a message at first they were calling from a 800# 800-260-5570 now they are calling from 703-656-9956. I have called them back to have they to stop but they keep on calling they are even calling family members telling them I will not return their calls.

  10. We have tried calling NCO by telephone, but all we get is canned music.

    I would rather go to jail than pay a dime to NCO. As far as I am concerned NCO can go and fuck itself.


    Simon Wood

  11. I have been receiving calls from this number 443-205-1058. i finally answered and waited for a customer associate. he asked for my husband, on my cell phone. i told him he was unavailable and asked if I could help. he was VERY vague and would only say it was a private business matter and they have a personal file on him or something like that they need to talk to him about. I asked if it was about unpaid bills because I pay them, and he wouldn’t tell me a thing. I took this number down 877-803-8009. haven’t called yet. we decided to look up NCO before calling. Now forget it. i decided to call the number they called me from and it went straight to a customer rep asking me for my 16 digit account number and i just hung up. i have no idea what this would be for. i think we’re going to send a letter although I’m curious what they are trying to collect on.

  12. It finally got to the point I filed a complaint with the States Attorney General and the BBB. Mr. Cody from NCO not only called me numerous times at work he started calling my co-workers and leaving messages for me. My first mistake was trying to pay them a debt I did owe. But after they tried to deduct whatever they wanted from my account and my balance never going down I found this site. Wish I had found it before I gave them a penny. At least since I filed the complaints NCO sold my account to someone else.

  13. New NCO number for the list: 866-825-4934

    I just received my second voicemail, and luckily I checked them out before answering. At this point, I do not intend to ever take these calls or answer these voice messages.

    Would it be prudent to send a cease and desist letter anyway, and file with the Pennsylvania Attorney General if & when the messages continue?

  14. Oh yes another thing the USA no not call list has been upheld by court however thats for telemarketers not collection comapnys or companys you have dealings with if you or someone at that number has a debit they are allowed to call you every single day by law till they are paid unless you do what I said in my other posting :)

    and so many times when I call someone they say wrong number na dhang up little advice there they wil keep calling you long as you do that. do yourself a favor and stay on the line and go threw it and tell them you never heard of them and please remove the number off that persons file and they will they do not want to call a number that cant never reach the person thats a waste of thier time, but if you just hang up, refuse to answer the info, they will just keep calling

  15. Hello,

    I work for NCO lol and I hate it there !! However I never treat anyone bad and they threaten to fire me for NOT collecting how much they think I should as well..However I read alot here today and see that some info it wrong so please allow me time to say a few things :)

    NCO Financial $ Affiliates = “JUNK DEBT COLLECTORS” this is not always true, it is in some cases as NCO like many companys do buy old debit from companys that list the account as “Charged Off” which means it is already on your credit report and the only thing paying it off at this point will do for you is peace of mind and having it marked as paid on your credit report if credit dont matter to you then my advice from a collector is DONT PAY IT

    Now NCO also has active accounts what I mean is this some places like credit card companys or loan companys and places as that can not collect thier own debit by law unless they open a duel comapny and have permits for both and they cna not always run as the same name..evem these comapnys cant collect once the account gets so far behind like lets say Captial One (whats in your wallet) They are a duel comapny and can collect your back payments only up to 119 days, once your account gets to 120 days past due they are not allowed to and NCO plus a few other companys do the collections for them at that point..does this mean your account is closed and Junked? NO it is still active and live..and anything you pay them comes off the billl and making timely payments means bringing your account back in good standing and once you get the account all the way out colections you are back with captial one themselfs but not till it is out of collections all the way just paying down to below the 120 will not bring you out of NCO

    NCO also does 3rd party collections which they are collecting for the main comapny for a % only and can not work but to a point to lower the amount..however if the account was sold to NCO they can make you offers to take 50% or less of the debit..

    Even if they are working as late collectors like for captial one they have the power to offer you a settlement if you just want to closed the account..they can take off 20% right away and on some accounts can take off all the past fees and internet and you pay only the amount you spent on the card.

    They will NOT openly tell you these things cause the less they make on the account the less they get paid..

    Now far as them caling your family. friends, job here is how that happens..

    companys that you have debit with not jus NCO record phone numbers each time you call they make a database on your file !! thats EVERY COMPANY dont be fooled
    they also keep every phone phone you had with them on database.. and if you get missing which means they clal you and someone says you no longer live there and they have no contact info for you 3 times they move you to what is called a skip trace department or listing.. and they use all the record numbers to trace you down so lets say.. you are visiting your family in Ohio from your home in Texas and you call Captial One of whatever bill you owe from your familys house and make a payment..or tel them anything at all that number is now record to their database and if they cant find you and are told you no longer live at that number 3 times or if your mail gets returned to them as moved yur account is now in skip trace and they alling them numbers to try to get your info thats all

    Also alot of companys BUY info yes I said BUY thier are other companys they sell this info now you think how they get my info

    well thats simple alot of websites that you enter your personal info into maybe evne this one here sell that info now like this site you enter you name and email they can sell that !! Some sites you enter name address phone numner email any of this info is sellable and MANY sites do that..

    Their is also what we call internet loctions
    where people try tracing you on the internet.. people finder site like these..

    Anyways my points is that not all of NCO workers are assholes and some of the calls should be viewed as good to your account and YES some are just old ass accounts that it wont relaly matter if you pay it or not and if they are calling you for someone else just say let me speak to your manager, then tell the manager that you have no info on that person but getting calls and you want all calls to quit and desist !!

    Now what happens if you just dont want to pay the bill and sick of of the calls you say this to the caller…

    ” Quit and desist all calls and letters asap I will be sending you the offical letter please place a hold on contacting till you get the letter” and this should stop the calls then as the person up top said send the letter to them and it should say

    This is to advise you that pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (”FDCPA”) 15 USC 1692c(c), you are hereby notified to immediately terminate any contact with me, or any members of my family or household, regarding any matter concerning the collection of a debt you allege is owed to your company or to your principal/customer/client. This notice shall include, but is not limited to written correspondence, as well as telephonic communication. This letter also verifies that I live at the address above, therefore, any further locator attempts would be a violation of the FDCPA.

    and this s to ANY collections department not just NCO

    If you need or what more info about your account feel free to e-mail me at and I will be happy to try to help you : ) and one last thing the person calling you may nt evne be in your country however it is still your debit

    thanks everyone and hope I didnt piss off anyone here as I wasnt trying t as I said I FREAKING HATE NCO lol but a man needs a job!!

  16. all of you non-bill payig people are JERks if u would have paid your bills when you were sup’d to you would not be sitting up writing blogs EARLY in the morning about how much you hate bill collectors YEAH YOUR DEAD-BEATS who run up credit cards and dont think we are going to try to find you PAY YOUR GOD DAMN BILLS you would put collectors out of commison go to homedepot dont pay it or put the mail to thte side unless its the first of the month check but as soon as you get a piece of plastic in the mail your ready to go swipe crazy you people make me sick read the fucking finne print before you go swipe you are signing a contract to fuck your credit up!!!HELLOOOO?? The people that collect only make 8$ an hr and call 1000’s of people a week out of all of those ppl how many do u think will actually pay a bill willingly or even call in to pay a bill due to a letter that they got in the mail well the peopl on here that are complaining form most of the comments that i read are just plain stupid u know about interst and late fees and was just stupid enough to use the damn card or acct. anyway so dont blame people that are trying to help you fixyour creidt by helping you to pay a bill dont be nasty anddont be mad when they call your job because its not breaking the law!! trust and belive every agency has a TRAINING class on the fdcpa and mock calls so shove it you non- bill paying ass-wholes

    • First learn how to spell and proper grammar. If you read some of the past comments you will see that NCO called the wrong people. More than one comment have said that, “They call asking for___, that’s not my name/I don’t know who this person is.” They continue to call and ask for a SS# even when the people claim they do not know who they are asking for. Seriously, people need to read the comments before thinking everyone here are just lazy, poor, or simply don’t want to pay their debts.

  17. i got a call from NCO at my work. First of all how did they even get my work phone number. Anyway, they say i owe this debt to AT& T i have been in communication with AT&T who has told me that they never sold my debt they still have it. ODD when NCO calls and says they own it. AT&T provided proof that they still have it. NCO is a scam do not send them any money.

  18. OMG, they are calling me 10+ times a day, from 7am until 9pm on a debt that I paid off over a year ago when I lost my job. Now they are calling my husbands family back east for payment. How do I get them to stop?????
    After reading all the negitive posts on here, I will not talk to them. And how do they know my husbands family number, not the same last name. It’s bad enough trying to find a job, and worrying about my regular bills, now I have to deal with bills I already paid and being harrassed!!!!

  19. NCO Financial Services called me from 410-202-0069. Not sure why??? and I do not answer any of my phones for a number I do not recognize due to sales calls mostly. I do not use credit cards or have medical bills to pay since I use my Veterans benifits. I own clear one house and one car and finance the other and up to date on payments. I have a Student loan and also up to date with all payments including interest, etc. So why do they not leave a message??? I’m thinking about buying a air horn and answering the phone and use it on them.

  20. new number: 866-942-6248 and there is also on with a 267 aera code. Next time I get a call from it I will post it.

    I do owe a past due Capital One credit card for just over $2200 and they wanted to settle for $1100, but after reading these horror stories, I will be contacting Lexington FIRST. NCO sounds like scams and will never settle on anything.

  21. I’m so confused… I went online to search for NCO FINANCIAL SYSTEMS INC because the number they gave me (800-709-9625) is for Cathy Mitchell’s SILI STRONG COOKING PANS!!! I mean what the hell is going on??? I came online to find NCO financial systems number but I find this company to be just a really bad disrespectful joke! I’m either settling my debt with chevy chase directly or taking this to court… Anyone have any ideas how I should approach this?? please email me!!!!

  22. I got a letter from NCO Financial Systems, Inc. for a bill that I don’t even know exists from the local power company….if its real it has to be at least 8 years old. The bill that I got has an address that ends in Wilmington, DE, 19850. The wierd thing is, I also got a bill to my address for my ex-wife of whom I haven’t lived with for 6 years. They are very good at writing bills, it includes a city regulation number thats an actual regulation. Here’s the kicker, they put their phone number on the bill more than once and they want me to call them at 984662626254……WHAAAAA?!?!


  23. This company, using phone number 877-885-9695, calls my cell phone 5 or 6 times a day leaving a robo-message for someone I’ve never heard of. When I attempt to call them back to tell them they have a wrong phone number (for someone named LaDonna Fraid) I get music and an agent never picks up. I’m furious over all the minutes I’ve wasted picking up their messages and trying to call them back. If anyone knows LaDonna please tell me her phone number so I can forward these harrassing calls to her!!

  24. I’ve been receiving bills from NCO that aren’t even mine. The name on the bill is Amber L Szafryk, they are sending me this bill because my name is Amber and my last initial is L. The bill is for medical treatment for a Dylon C and a Devon J Szafryk. The Clinic it is for is in WY or MT, I live in Minnesota. I have no connections to any of these people other than the similar name. I have already sent 3 bills back stating that they have the wrong Amber but I continue to get more bills. Today I got a 4th bill from them, I was not happy… so I filled a complaint with the BBB. I’m not sure if they can do anything about it.. but at least I did something about it. BTW I also tried to call NCO and there machine wouldn’t let me talk to anyone and the website has no place to contact then either.

  25. NCO sold my account of $650 to Receivables Management Solutions. I settled the account through RMS for $500 and NCO refused to accept the settlement and posted a past due amount on my credit report for $150. I called NCO to tell them the account is settled and all they said was I had to speak with RMS, but RMS won’t talk to me because they show the account as settled. The credit bureau will not take off the past due $150 . . . what do I do?

  26. We also have been getting these calls. When we start asking questions they get very abusive and we just hangup. Today we called the bank they stated they were handling the account from to see if they could assist us. They validated it was nothing to do with us, gave us another number to an office which should be able to handle this.

    The bank told us not to pay anything as the account number was not in the system (I wasn’t going to pay it in the first place, just wanted to get the bank involved to see what they could do).

    We are now drafting a letter to send to them to stop these calls. I just can’t believe the government can’t get these type of companies out of business. It seems there should be someway of handling this. It sure seems the fines they have been paying just are not doing anything. It really shows how much money they are making that they don’t care of the few of us who are fighting back for our rights.

  27. NCO-Yuck,Yuck. I have sent them a letter to stop calling my place of employment and they are still doing it. They are now blowing up my home phone worse and still calling my work. I don’t know what to do about these people. I have written the attorney General of PA about them and apparently, they do not take this harassment very lightly. I told them I was working with a debt consolidation company and they still call 10-15 times daily. Doesn’t make any sense. I refuse to talk to them. Any communications with them is in writing.

  28. I had an american express account that I wanted to close completely and just pay off the balance. I agreed to pay american express a certain amount of money which I did and everything was fine. I got the gal’s name and number who I sent the money order to. Now this was 5 years ago.

    I am now getting nasty notes and calls from NCO saying that American Express says I owe them $163.00. I talked with them and got nowhere. After 3 years I destroy any bank checks or money orders, what a mistake. I guess with this company I should keep them for 10 years. They were not interested in following up with the gals name and number from American Express and when I called American Express they wouldn’t even call me. Now I am still getting nasty calls and letters from NCO. I wrote to them to appeal but they were not interested. I heard that a collection company is not suppose to call before a certain time or after a certain time. NCO doesn’t care about that. 7:25 I received a phone call from them. Glad I have caller ID.

    They are not interest in anything anyone has to say and are very very rude.

  29. I do not have an outstanding debt. NCO is calling for someone who is not at my number. I have had the same phone number for nearly 30 years and for over a year now i have been telling them and responding to their mail that the person they seek is not at my number. they have promised each time that they have removed my number from their database yet 2 days later i get another call. They continue to harass me, calling up to 5 times a day every 2 to 3 days. The number on my caller id when they called last was 866-849-2438, not a number I saw listed above. I will try the certified mail route and hope the harassment stops.

  30. NCO has been calling me looking for someone I don’t know. They call my cell phone, so each and every time they call, it costs me money. For the last couple of days, I’ve been recording our telephone conversations (I tell them). I’m going to sue them.

    In any event, they have a bad skip tracing system, and an autodialer that apparently no one there knows how to work. They promise to remove my number, but don’t.

    I can’t imagine how invasive they’d be if they were legit.

    Thanks VOIP, for making all this possible.

  31. these numbers are used by NCO also i owe no debt to anyone and want them stoped someone help…….205-561-2457 425-648-9467 571-431-1948

  32. Been getting many calls from 614-717-4395 (including 8am on Saturday). They know my name and immediately ask for my birth date or last four of social. Everytime I argue with them, that I don’t know who they are, that I am not giving this info to a stranger, and tell them not to call anymore. Today, when I told off the guy and that I was angry, he said in that case they will call every day. I called the FTC (they are very lame), said they have taken actions against NCO Financial before, but suggested I call my congressman, whose level is over the FTC. I keep trying to reach managers there, leaving voicemails: Ray Milner, Dan Raglin, Christopher Schwind, Eugene Corn(sp?). Christopher Schwind is Director of Operations for NCO, with them 3 yrs, and has profile on internet. Went to Medaille College and Columbus State, worked at ECM prior for 6 years. They are all based in Dublin, Ohio, in the Columbus metro area. There address is 5626 Frantz Road, Dublin. Eugene said their doors are open. I will keep after these guys and dig up information on them, since they are threatening me and trying to find out my birthdate and social numbers.

  33. I receive a letter today, July 16, 2009 from NCO Financial System collecting for Bank of America. I was confused because I didn’t owe the bank at all and I don’t have account with them. I was duped to go online and see if I can send them a letter to dispute. Then I research online and find that they are illegal collectors. I have to file a complaint about this company.

  34. Hi,
    This is my first debt and I’m very confused. The man I am dealing with right now is named Leo Carter. The debt started as a military credit card I got while being married to my ex husband who served in the Air Force. I never imagened we would get divorced but we filed Dec of 2007. In Jan I was forced to make it as a single mom. At which time I also had surgery, all the while I still had to come up with enough money to care for my child. I had someone co-sign so I could get a buisness that would other wise be shutting down. This ment very little money coming in and also my ex husband was not yet paying me monthly child support. My credit card was then sent to NCO around Oct 2008? The man informed me they would be taking my income tax return. It wasn’t much because I only made little over 7000.00 last year. The orginal debt was 3200.00 and after they took my income tax return is now 1656.46. I don’t have the 106.00 a month they are asking me to send. He tells me that I’m selfish for not paying. He after finding out I owned my buisness laughed and transfered my case. I can’t sleep at night I can’t eat. He told me he noted I hung up but I cry when this man breaks me down. I am sending 20.00 a month right now. I can’t agree to more because some months it’s feed my daughter or pay these people. Is there anything I can do? How long is the Statute of limitation?

  35. Hi all. It looks like some of my debt has been passed on to these people. I don’t know if it’s from the IRS, or passed down from another credit collector. As background, I had a good job, paid my bills, but have a spinal cord injury and the past few years have been hell as I cannot work. Anyway, I noticed that all the numbers posted for NCO seemed to be 800#s. This is number they used today. 267-519-4400

    I will be writing them a desist letter today. In case anyone is wondering, they do work, or have with the two past agencies. I think there might be a 6 month term on them though, I started getting communications from them after that time. Also, be sure to add in your letter to not just cease phone contact, but written as well. They stopped killing trees for just little ol’ me after that. :o)

  36. Hi all. It looks like some of my debt has been passed on to these people. I don’t know if it’s from the IRS, or passed down from another credit collector. As background, had good job, paid bills, but have a spinal cord surgery and the past few years have been hell. Anyway, I noticed that all the numbers posted for NCO seemed to be 800#s. This is number they used today. 267-519-4400

    I will be writing them a desist letter today. In case anyone is wondering, they do work, or have with the two past agencies. I think there might be a 6 month term on them though, I started getting communications from them after that time. Also, be sure to add in your letter to not just cease phone contact, but written as well. They stopped killing trees for just little ol’ me after that. :o)


  38. so i work for NCO i deal with medical bills(debt) you would be surprised at how many people think they can go to a hospital receive services and not pay the hospital or ambulance…. the money mind you they deserve for their services….. i had one person call in asking why he is still getting billed for his ambulance ride when he doesn’t have a job i literally asked him “are you saying you think this bill should be written off by amr (American medical response) because you don’t have a job and cant pay them?” he said “yes” I’m sorry but your debt just doesn’t go away if you don’t have a job or if you just don’t want to pay your bill and for one thing we don’t buy any of our medical accounts we are contracted with all of the hospitals we have accounts for, they hand us the accounts to collect on so the hospital that you go to are the ones that hand out over to collections. all i have to say is PAY YOUR DAMN BILL!

  39. Guess we need to get Congress to close them down and remove all the garbage from everyone’s credit reports.
    New numbers 1-866-442-0536 and 1-866-278-1213. The second number shows up on my cell phone at least three time a day. That includes weekends. They also leave a message each time. I never return the call. I go to reverse phone lookup and find out who the caller if it is new to me. I am retired now and was very ill in the past. Something needs to be done about these vultures.

  40. i have several numbers that arent listed here. 253-248-6405, 206-629-8633, 323-372-6326, 408-538-5101, 251-990-3701, 434-533-9062. I hope this helps.

    I called my credit company and tried to set up payment arrangements and before I got to a real person with Capitol One they transferred my call to NCO. I had to tell NCO i was not talking to them and say I want to talk to cap. 1 and then they transferred then I had to constantly request to speak with management because the woman who answered said she couldnt help because of the status of my account.

  41. Fisrt of all thanks to every body that’s given commnets, it has hleped decide not to call them back. Here is a couple of new phone #s:

    Also I was wondering if this is the right address? Do you think they would have change it? Does anybody know?

  42. Can NCO Financial keep adding interest to a three-year-old debt that they recently purchased from a creditor?

    Every month for the last three months my credit-report monitoring service has been reporting that NCO has added more than $100 a month in interest to the original debt, which is causing additional negative information to be posted to my credit report.

    Because of this, two of my credtors have reduced my lines of credit. NCO is obviously doing this to intimidate me (though they aren’t succeeding). Can they get away with it? NOTE: I live in California.

  43. I don’t even have an account or any other dealings with NCO or Capitol One, however they continue to call my house looking for various people that I don’t even know. And I have had my phone number for four years. The first couple of times I thought someone was giving out a false phone number which happened to be mine, but one day actually July 4 starting about 8:30am up to 1:30pm same day twice every hour they would call asking for someone different. Each time I would tell them that the person they are looking for does not live at this number and they would state, “This phone call could be recorded for quality purposes.” So who cares I just want them to quit calling my number looking for people I don’t even know. I will be making complaints with Better Business Bureau and Capitol One. But does anyone else know how to stop these phones calls.


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